inverse interpolation

英 [ˌɪnˈvɜːs ɪnˌtɜːpəˈleɪʃn] 美 [ˌɪnˈvɜːrs ɪnˌtɜːrpəˈleɪʃn]

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  1. Then a way of "inverse interpolation" was applied to eliminate image blank holes caused by discrete calculation.
  2. On Generalized Inverse Vector Valued Continued Fraction Interpolation Splines One Kind of Expression for the Generalized Inverse of the Sum of Matrices
  3. After obtaining the raw data, a simple method is used in the paper to process forest fire related data from 1999 to 2000, in which the data at arbitrary site is calculated by inverse distance weighted interpolation.
  4. This paper addressed the inverse problem of IFS-based 3D deterministic fractal interpolation and its application for three-dimensional surface reconstruction.
  5. Established the landform model by distance power inverse ratio method and fractal interpolation algorithm.
  6. Pseudo-full-region apparent resistivity and its one-dimensional inversion for center-loop-line configuration TEM data Inverse Spline Interpolation for the Calculation of All-Time Resistivity for the Large-Loop Transient Electromagnetic Method
  7. Then, they workout a restoration and enhancement scheme for linear motion degradation image by using inverse filter, geometric rectification and cubic spline interpolation.
  8. In terms of average precipitation and runoff in Liaoning Province, spatial distribution of precipitation was obtained by inverse distance weighting ( IDW) interpolation.
  9. Inverse perspective transform based on directional 2-D interpolation
  10. Research on Inverse Log-polar Transformation Based on Sub-pixel Interpolation
  11. Research on numerical inverse isoparametric mapping interpolation and its application
  12. Iterative methods for computing the Drazin inverse and the W-weighted Drazin inverse of linear operators based on functional interpolation
  13. The inverse program also requires two-dimensional interpolation.
  14. First, use the grid-based kd-tree to increase the intersection efficiency, and in interpolation methods, offer the inverse distance interpolation method and implement bilinear/ trilinear interpolation based on form function of finite element method, which is second-order accurate and computationally inexpensive.
  15. Takes peaks surface as the known surface, contrasts and analyses the interpolation result of the inverse distance weighting algorithm and Kriging Interpolation algorithm which select different semi-variation function by two dimensional contour and three dimensional surface.
  16. The traditional implementation methods of inverse overcurrent protection such as zonal table lookup method, interpolation method and their error characteristic are discussed.
  17. Integrating seismic data and geological data, three seismic wavelet extrapolation methods were presented, that is, inverse distance interpolation method, phase interpolation method and pseudo well log method.
  18. Evaluating error from cubic spline interpolation by means of inverse interpolation high speed gear shaping
  19. The main research works are as follows: ( 1) Contrasts inverse distance weighting algorithm with Kriging Interpolation algorithm.
  20. Fast gridding of geophysical data with inverse interpolation
  21. Study on the development of a choropleth atlas on cancer mortality using the inverse distance weight interpolation in the 1990's
  22. A note on Inverse pal-Type Interpolation process
  23. Two classes of multipoint interval iterations are constructed by using immediate or inverse interpolation. Given the initial interval extensions, only m+ 1 or m values of point functions are needed to compute fbr each step while the orders of convergence are 2m-1.
  24. Solving the Inverse Problem of Fractal Interpolation Function Using Wavelet Analysis
  25. Based on the interpolation of known observation data, the spatially continuous distribution of raster data were obtained to realize data grid, spatial distribution maps of spare sunlight disasters in Jiangsu Province were gained by using the inverse distance weighted interpolation method.
  26. At last, the inverse perspective transformation and gray level interpolation are performed to correct the distorted QR code image. Thirdly, a correction algorithm for the QR images printed on the curved objects is proposed based on the finite element shape function.
  27. An example-based skin deformation animation system optimization method was proposed, so inverse PSD can provide better performance and reliable interpolation.
  28. Based on the direct inner product and the generalized inverse of matrices, multivariable generalized inverse Thiele-type and Stieltjes-type matrix rational interpolation are constituted.
  29. For solving Runge-Kutta-Fehlberg equations, inverse distance weighted interpolation algorithm is used. Non-chaotic points are excluded, and the rest represent the flow region.